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Meet With A Certified Manual Physical Therapist

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a hands-on approach that focuses on assessing and treating musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. It involves techniques like soft tissue manipulation, joint mobilization, and stretching, all aimed at improving movement and reducing pain. Essentially, it’s about using skilled hand movements to promote healing and better function in your body. Whether you're recovering from an injury, dealing with chronic pain, or just looking to feel more mobile, manual therapy can be a key part of your recovery journey.

At Progressive Physical Therapy Center, we specialize in providing personalized physical and manual therapy tailored to your individual needs. Our certified physical therapist, Dr. Danladi Whitten has years of experience and expertise in manual therapy, making us a top choice for those seeking manual therapy in Washington D.C.

If you're ready to take the next step toward healing, we invite you to schedule an appointment with us today. We’re dedicated to supporting you every step of the way; let us help you on your journey to a healthier and happier you!


Doctor examining the patient's spine

Dry Needling, Physical Therapy, Cervical Traction Therapy & More

Manual Therapy Techniques & Benefits

At Progressive PT Center, we pride ourselves on offering a variety of effective manual therapy techniques designed to help you recover and feel your best. Each modality has its unique benefits and can be tailored to meet your specific needs.

  • Therapeutic Massage: This technique focuses on relaxing tight muscles and reducing tension throughout your body. It can help alleviate pain, improve circulation, and promote overall relaxation. Whether you're recovering from an injury or dealing with stress, therapeutic massage can be an effective addition to your rehabilitation journey.
  • Myofascial Release Therapy: This technique targets the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding your muscles. By applying gentle, sustained pressure, we release restrictions in your fascia, which can improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance your overall function. It's particularly beneficial for those with chronic pain conditions or restricted movement.
  • Cervical Traction: This is another modality that we utilize to relieve neck pain and improve circulation in the cervical spine. By gently pulling the head away from the neck, we create space between the vertebrae, which can help alleviate compression and promote healing. This can be especially helpful for conditions like herniated discs or muscle spasms.
  • Joint Mobilization Physical Therapy: Using this hands-on technique, we mobilize joints to restore their proper function and range of motion. This can help alleviate pain and improve movement in joints that have become stiff or painful due to injury or overuse. It's a key component of rehabilitation for many musculoskeletal issues.
  • Dry Needling: This involves the insertion of thin needles into trigger points in your muscles to release tight areas, reduce pain, and enhance recovery. It's a valuable tool in the manual therapy toolbox, especially when used alongside other therapeutic techniques.

Each of these modalities is designed to work together to support your healing process. By combining different techniques, we can create a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and helps you achieve your rehabilitation goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a difference between manual therapy and manual physiotherapy?

Manual therapy and manual physiotherapy are used interchangeably to describe the hands-on techniques utilized by physical therapists to assess and treat musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. Both terms refer to the use of skilled hand movements for therapeutic benefits.

How do I know if manual therapy is right for me?

If you’re experiencing muscle or joint pain, stiffness, limited mobility, or difficulty performing daily activities, manual therapy may be beneficial for you. It’s often recommended for those recovering from an injury or dealing with chronic conditions. Our certified physical therapist can assess your condition and determine if manual therapy is a suitable treatment option for you.

Is dry needling safe?

Yes, dry needling is considered a safe procedure when performed by a trained and certified physical therapist. The needles we use are thin and sterile, minimizing discomfort. While some patients may experience slight soreness or bruising at the insertion sites, these effects are typically mild and temporary. At Progressive PT Center, we follow strict safety protocols and use sterile needles for each treatment.

How can I schedule an appointment for manual therapy near me?

Scheduling an appointment with us is easy! Simply use our online request form or give our office a call. We look forward to helping you on your journey to better health!

It's Time To Book With A Manual Therapist Near You

Reach Your Full Potential with Progressive PT
